Baphomet "No Answers" CD

Baphomet "No Answers" CD

Baphomet "No Answers" CD

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First of all I will say this is quite an odd release and easily recognizable in a good way amongst any other thrash recording out there. Browsing the net, I have read a lot of comments on forums and other various sites like youtube about how the (US) Baphomet is "better", I don't know how true that is. But anyway, "No Answers" does dish out a fair amount of interesting and enjoyable thrash.
I think it is the vocals that would be the main "put off" to most. There are two types of vocals throughout this album, the really odd, cartoon-like, growling type that are pretty funny and sort of add to the whole appeal and originality of the album, then there are the more aggressive and almost whiny vocals that also sound quite strange. But it's the riffs in this album have something other bands fail to offer, stickability, they are very catchy and memorable a lot of the time. The solo's fit perfectly and are quite enjoyable. It's also the way this album is presented that gives it such a good feel, it has enough interesting hooks to say they with this album they had a style of their own. Though not the most original album by any stretch but, one example of their own sound would be the mid section of "Identified" which comes after the first solo, it's quite an unique little slow passage.
Now, some of the song structures and arrangements are a little underdeveloped at times which only brings the album down a bit. For example, sometimes you will hear an uncharacteristic, bland change between choruses and bridges of the songs that makes the music sound kind of unfinished, that coupled with the fact that there are a couple of less impressive songs on here, and I'm not talking about the two instrumentals.
The ones I am talking about are "Time Has Come", it's the longest track that gets a bit repetitive, In fact they could of cut that song in half and been more creative with it. "Past and Present" is the other average mid paced track that isn't terrible but just not as good as the better tracks on this album.
The standout track is "Elm Street". Obviously it's in relation to the Wes Craven's film, "A Nightmare On Elmstreet". Not only is it the fastest, but it's also quite a vicious, It has razor sharp, super effective riffs, It has a fairly catchy chorus and it's a great thrash song. The title track, "The Fence" and "Act of Jealousy" are runners up, "Act of Jealousy" being undeniably catchy and memorable as hell. With "The Fence" there are great build up riffs that lead us into a slow, daunting chorus. The title track is another solid, above average thrasher.
Strangely, the production on some tracks differs, but luckily it doesn't really affect the final outcome of the album. This album has a dark / feel good presence when it playing. Although it's not an outstanding classic and not the most recognized thrash record, it's an enjoyable and memorable little surprise.


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