Cirith Gorgor ‎"Der Untergang / Победа!!!" CD

Cirith Gorgor ‎"Der Untergang / Победа!!!" CD

Cirith Gorgor ‎"Der Untergang / Победа!!!" CD

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Hailing from the Netherlands, Cirith Gorgor is one of those bands without a lot of coverage and attention which is nothing to complain about. Their latest self titled effort reeks of epic and inspiring melody, not too different from their other works yet the band still manage to capture something fresh here. Since the departure of vocalist Nimroth, drummer Levithmong has stepped up for the vocal duties and he plays the part quite well. Although Nimroth’s vocals were a lot harsher and aggressive sounding Levithmong is still not a disappointment, his vocals give a more epic feel towards the music. However his capabilities as a drummer are more prominent and essential to the band, his control of rhythms, blast beats and fills are outstanding.
The guitarists on this album give the band the most sense of originality with their melodic lines and short passages. Never at anytime do they begin to sound repetitive they give the music a feel of constant movement, flowing from riff to riff. Cirith Gorgor succeed in creating quality black metal without relying on keyboards for atmosphere or dominating the song structure with needless repetition and guitar wankery seen in so many of today’s melodic black metal bands. The songs all have a distinctive sound which unifies the album without making every track sound the same. Such variation keeps the listener interested and wanting more. Personally I can listen to this album from start to finish several times without it feeling like a menial task, such expertise with this band makes it hard to change the CD or skip tracks.
The lyrics are obviously anti religious but are done in an intelligent manner without rely on a satanic theme which is bonus. They are well written and bring to mind of a call to arms against oppression at times.
Overall this is a great album and is essential to anyone who is a fan of any form of black metal. It is simply outstanding, original and full of atmosphere.


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