Dark Angel "Time Does Not Heal" CD

Dark Angel "Time Does Not Heal" CD

Dark Angel "Time Does Not Heal" CD

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I had already heard Dark Angel's three other albums before this one and to be quite honest I was completely mindfucked by them. I had heard rave reviews for this album and had heard that it was the bands creative pinnacle. I couldn't agree more. 'Time Does Not Heal' is probably one of the best thrash albums ever but to record.
Many fans and reviewers alike call this Dark Angel's best album ever. Others say it's Darkness Descends. For my money I'd go with the former. 'Time Does Not Heal' is a visceral assault from first note to last. Ron Rinehart does a simply amazing job putting his signature vocalization to Gene Hoglan's deeply serious--it isn't a far cry to say highly intelligent--lyrics. His voice somehow manages to soar over the thrashing of hell with the instruments. Truly a great vocalist. Gene Hoglan, well everyone already knows how amazing of a drummer he is so there is no need to go into the details. 'Time Does Not Heal' boasts a whopping 246 riffs (at least) which says miles for the talent of Eric Meyer and Brett Eriksen. The riffs are so amazingly fast and intense that's it's actually hard to take in this entire album in one sitting. And last but certainly not least, the bass lines that Mike Gonzalez lays are just sick.
Production on this release is also miles above other Dark Angel releases. While the quality on the band's previous releases is good it's nothing compared to this. The album sounds so clean for a trash album. You can clearly discern the bass from the rest of the noise, the drums sound harder, heavier, more intense, and despite the guitars moving at a lightning speed you can hear them quite clearly. What's more is that Dark Angel can slow things down and still prove that they are incredibly heavy and raw. A talent that only a few other bands can replicate well.
People have called 'Time Does Not Heal' progressive thrash metal. They wouldn't be wrong in calling it that. While it is still thrash metal Dark Angel touch on something with 'Time Does Not Heal' that a lot of thrash bands never can: realism. Every single track on this album deals with a topic or situation that is frighteningly real and intense. I've found no other thrash band that can do that. Not to mention the shortest track on the whole album is 5:10. Which proves that Dark Angel are indeed 'the L.A. Caffeine Machine'.
'Time Does Not Heal' probably is the best Dark Angel album there is. All of them are spectacular albums in their own right but there is something about 'Time Does Not Heal' that sets it apart from all the rest. Without a doubt their magnum opus. If you have the means you must buy this album. It's an essential in any metal collection.

Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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