Dark Fury "This Story Happened Before" CD Reissue 2016

Dark Fury "This Story Happened Before" CD Reissue 2016

Dark Fury "This Story Happened Before" CD Reissue 2016

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Dark Fury are quite a heavily admired band within right-wing black metal fans. Although they haven't reached the fame obtained by more well-known bands such as Graveland or Behemoth, their music is still of a very high quality. Dark Fury definitely follows the precedent established by previous Polish bands who always write music that heavily worships Burzum's ambient yet coarse sound. Unlike most Burzum-clones out there, Dark Fury do have a unique identity.
As I've already hinted, Dark Fury is usually considered a national socialist black metal band, and to be honest, nobody would be able to argue with that statement after reading the song-titles and lyrics and after finding out that the band is good buddies with Peste Noire and the other trendy right-wing bands who have recently been trying to appeal more to the mainstream. Dark Fury seems to have largely remained untainted by the venom that is surrounding them, namely right-wing shit-heads like the guys from M8l8th, but alas, this rant has to stop here, because we're dealing with the musical aspect too. There really isn't much to say about the music, since most of it sounds the god-damn same. By the time the fourth track kicked in, I was already bored out of my god damn mind. Most guitar riffs and melodies sound to have been created in a very short amount of time, because they all resemble each other heavily. The drummer pulls off quite an impressive performance, and is quite a credible platform for the entire band.
The vocals sound absolutely fantastic and diabolical, which is always helpful when it comes to black metal. Unfortunately, this album has a lot of filler tracks, and I strongly believe that this release should have been an extended play with at least 3 less songs. Had it been released in that format, I think the whole experience of listening to the better tracks on this album, would have been more enjoyable and succinct. The lack of variation in mood, lyrical content or pace are a huge drawback for this album. Apart from that, there really isn't much else worth talking about. This album is largely forgettable and lacks any sort of factors which help the listener remember the band or particular songs.
The production is crystal-clear and each instrument can be heard amazingly well. However, one thing which really bothered me is how high the bass guitar is mixed. Due to the bass being mixed so loud, the bass drum can rarely ever be deduced. The cymbals have a very stripped down aura, yet when taken as a whole, the drums sound quite beefy and go well with the extremely dense atmosphere generated by the heavily-distorted guitars. I would suggest anyone who is into funeral-doom/polish black metal to check Dark Fury out.

Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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