Limited in 500 copies!
The fellows from Belgrade's OPHIDIAN COIL have a wealth of experience in the Serbian Black Metal community, and it shows on the group's first official release, the "Denial | Will | Becoming" EP.
"Denial | Will | Becoming" is interesting to analyze because, for an experienced band, there is more room for growth than one might expect, particularly in the songwriting department. Musically, OPHIDIAN COIL have a solid grasp of what it takes to make compelling Black Metal, pulling the listener through realms of terror and darkness that can be quite dizzying at times. Consistency is an issue at times, however, as the band has a habit of following up really powerful and driving riffs with rather average ones, at times, as is the case on "Gloria in Deo." The band pull you in with the searing intensity of the song's opening riffs and faster-than-teeth-chattering drums, but the momentum fades before the next really strong part, at about the 3:15 mark, kicks in, and just kind of plateaus from there. Similarly, "Hymns Of Deflesh" doesn't really pick up until about the halfway point of the song, and even though it seems to turn a corner with a manic, pursuing riff stab, it ends somewhat awkwardly as it transitions from rabid and biting to slow and visceral with little warning. I will say, however, that the emotive soloing that closes out the song is remarkable, especially considering how prominent leads usually are in Black Metal.
"Manifestum Mortis" isn't the most exciting track of the bunch, but it might be the most cohesive, a blasting furnace of unrelenting power that makes use of a number of nuanced riffs to good effect. However, the honor of "Best Song On The Album" probably goes to the final cut, "Thousand Voices Of The Devil's Call," with a slithering tone that slowly builds in menace before vocalist INIMICVS begins howling along with the song's vicious main riff. While it sort of fizzles out towards the end, the majority of the song is memorable and well-executed, and another dazzling, fret-dancing solo from XIII.XIII. to close out the album definitely helps leave the listener with a good taste in their mouth.
This isn't the first time I've been hard on a band, and it certainly won't be the last. One gets the feeling that OPHIDIAN COIL can do even better, which is saying something since "Denial | Will | Becoming" is a solid, well-performed release in its own right. There is certainly room for improvement for a band that could yet make a splash in the Black Metal world, but for now, fans of groups like DISSECTION, GOATWHORE, and other Death-tinged Black Metal acts should definitely find something to like here.