Diamatregon "Crossroad" CD

Diamatregon "Crossroad" CD

Diamatregon "Crossroad" CD

Solo quedan 100 unidades de este producto

I bought Diamatregon`s Crossroad on a whim, like you do occasionally.
It would have been sooner but I`d read an article that said it was named "Crossroad" based on the story of blues musicians meeting the Devil and selling their souls for enhanced musical abilities. Not really being a blues fan or being able to imagine a black/blues fusion I passed it up.
A while later I spotted the cover on a well known music site and out of curiosity played a few samples. I was impressed enough to buy the album and after repeat plays am very glad I did.
This album is, for me, quite unique. While it`s un-arguably black metal, cold harsh and raw, in places it`s also a little bit experimental, there`s alot going on. Listening for the fourth, fifth, sixth? time I`m still hearing different subtleties in the background. The production is very clear, all the instruments can be heard, none being lost or drowned out when others come in to play. The vocals are raw and raspy, sometimes whispered, sometimes shouted, but fitting in very well, and giving the album an eerie atmosphere. Alot of thought has gone into every aspect of Crossroad, and these are obviously very proficient musicians. What stands out most to me is the guitar playing, it`s very good, I mean it`s superb! Every chord sounds like it`s exactly where it`s supposed to be (without sounding predicatable or as if it`s played by an automaton). Though don`t think the drumming is any less mentionable, the quality and professionalism shines through.
The blues influences are there but very subtle, and maybe not obvious at all on the first couple of listens (or maybe that shows how enrapt I was not to notice). The album works best as a whole and is a much more rewarding experience listening all the way through to the eight minute plus closing track - He Was Not a Believer, what a finale! Just mesmerizing.
Why this album hasn`t been talked about much on-line (or any where else), and is relatively unnoticed by the majority of metal heads I cannot comprehend. For me this is my best made discovery this year, yes it`s that good.
Maybe meeting the Devil down by the crossroads isn`t just a supernatural fable after all, maybe Diamatregon knew this all along and here is the proof.

Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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