Don Juan Matus (Matus) "Mas Alla Del Sol Poniente" CD

Don Juan Matus (Matus) "Mas Alla Del Sol Poniente" CD

Don Juan Matus (Matus) "Mas Alla Del Sol Poniente" CD

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Golden Procession / Espiritus Inmundos CD Version 2011

This is a more straightforward heavy rock album than its predecessor, although they still manage to work in a number of other elements (including a spacy, echo-drenched drum solo). Once again, the really striking thing is how authentically early seventies-sounding this is: if this had been presented to me as an obscure South American private pressing from 1973, I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid.
Richard Falk - Richard Falk's Reviews

On the whole, Más Allá del Sol Poniente might not appeal to some because of its Spanish lyrics or progressive indulgences, but the record proves there’s still stylistic ground to be covered in stoner rock and doom, and its reaches toward classic guitar ground it mostly anyway. Its highlights are genuinely that, and there are a few moments on these tracks where it sounds like Don Juan Matus is the result of visionary creativity. For those moments, Más Allá del Sol Poniente makes itself required reading.
JJ Koczan - The Obelisk

Mas Alla del Sol Poniente isn’t just an album of extremes, here the band isn't trying to show off what they are made of. This is actually an album that seems to move in linear fashion. As far as we can tell there is not one storyline, nor is there a single concept, but the songs evolve, and the intros and interludes perfectly set the mood for what’s about to come. Where the album succeeds is in what actually comes, there are four killer doom metal songs in this album and that’s clearly, all this band had intended.
Ignacio Brown - Deaf Sparrow

It’s a rewarding listening experience. Shifting from one eerie atmosphere to ominous tunes over mischievous twisted melodies, the album sounds very accessible and, while still keeping some complexity, avoids the trap of a dry, artificial jam-session. It’s warm music, cool, invigorating and intriguing, it develops a welcoming creativity that opts for an open approach of music; you’ll find yourself immediately comfortable with those guys. Check that band if you don’t know them yet... they will probably interest both doomsters that have a soft spot for Stoner and Trad as well as psyche-freaks.

Bertrand Marchal 


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