Dub Buk "Мертві Сорому Не Ймуть" CD

Dub Buk "Мертві Сорому Не Ймуть" CD

Dub Buk "Мертві Сорому Не Ймуть" CD

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Recorded at "Electronic Black Arts" studio and "Moonhome studio". Mixed and mastered at "Electronic Black Arts" in XXI century.

In memory of:
Bal-A-Myth (Lucifugum) 27.12.1977 - 05.10.2002
Ulv Gegner Irminsson (Blazebirth Hall) 03.06.1975 - 23.10.2005
Aydus (Runes Of Dianceht) 14.07.1977 - 23.07.2005

I think I should start by saying that this isn't the bands best album. And if your looking for an album to get into them with I'd say start with the Місяць Помсти compilation of demo's and work your way forwards. Unless of course you want every subsequent release you hear to be better, in which case start with this album and work your way back. However, that doesn't mean this isn't a good album, I think it's just think it's more likely to be appreciated by those already into the band.
I had only recently gotten into this band when this album came out, so my anticipation was quite high. The immediate thing that struck me when I pressed play was the production. It seemed a lot cleaner than their past albums. The guitar tone had a lot more bite to it, the bass drum was punchier, and the snare rang out more in the mix, but above all the general clarity of the instruments in the mix was better, especially the bass which is very well produced and audible. I also felt the general feel of the album was a bit slower than in the past, a bit more thrashier, though don't expect typical blackened thrash here. More chuggy riffs with a bit more groove. But despite this they still maintain their black metal core, it's just slightly watered down.
In terms of instrumentation I felt the synth took more of a background role than on previous albums. Whilst on the first 2 full lenghts you had interesting moments such as the low bassy sounds at the start of the title track of Иду на вы!, and the almost dance music-esque synth on Сва-батальйон from the second album Русь понад усе! this album doesn't really have anything that stands out in that sort of way. It's not like they have completely gotten rid of it, it's just much more understated. Which isn't a problem in itself, I was just expecting something a bit more unusual.
As for the drumming, it's pretty standard fare throughout. Though the drum production on this album really suits blast beats, and on the few occasions they do add in a section of blast beats, such as at the end of the first track, it sounds absolutely fantastic. Though they are have never been known for their relentless blasts in the way a band such as Hate Forest have in the past, I feel it's a technique they don't use enough, especially when they sound so good, and and have a great feel to them.
The vocals are are in the typical Dub Buk style, I guess you could call it a sort of bark/growl. And whilst I don't understand Ukrainian, I've always felt there is something aesthetically pleasing about harsh vocals in this language. I think the vocals sit nicely in the mix, they are prominent and commanding, but never feel overpowering.
However, I feel this album isn't without it's faults. For a start I feel there's a lot of mid paced chugging that just feels like the music is plodding along for the sake of it. And most tracks suffer from this in one place or another. I think a few more blast beats hear and there would have livened it up a bit, and perhaps some more interesting synth parts,
Overall though, I feel it's a very well produced album, with some great ideas, and some great sections. Sadly sections are all they are are as they don't maintain enough quality throughout to elevate them to great tracks. However don't let that put you off, it's still a very listenable album, and certainly worth hearing, and one I seem to keep coming back to, so it can't be all that bad.

Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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