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The ten tracks we are dealing with here are not easily digestible. I admit that after listening to the album for the first time I had somewhat mixed feelings. Yes, the Black Metal that the Italians presented on their debut album is damn intense and verging on harshness. However, it’s a good thing I got over it. 'Ego Svm Radix et Templvm Lvciferi’ offers absolute conflagration, destruction and devastation of the mind, all spelled with satanic sounds. The two Lombardians have created extremely savage, infernal material. However, this is nevertheless translated in the arrangements into ultra-fast pounding without restraint, nothing of the sort. The trait of irrepressible music here is primarily due to the feel, the expression with which the Italians’ Black Metal stands. Definitely such an understanding of their work is intensified by their raw sound and, above all, screeching vocals that border on psychosis. Their high-pitched tones drill into the skull mercilessly, hurt and leave a total abnormal feeling. The guitars mince at fast speeds only occasionally slowing down on open strings. A puzzling fact for me was the drums. After first listening and not researching the credits, I was almost certain it was a drum machine. The biggest confusion to my hearing, were the ultra-fast blasts, from which only the snare drum emerged. As it turned out, my mistake and the fact that I was dealing with a live drummer knocked me out even more. Putting all the elements together, 'Ego Svm Radix et Templvm Lvciferi’ is material that blasts with inhuman energy, is extremely satanic and awakens primal, primitive instincts. Regardless of your first impressions of HEPATOMANCY’s music, it’s worth wading through further and letting yourself be carried away by the whirlwind of madness, the total basement atmosphere.