Kolossus "The Line Of The Border" CD

Kolossus "The Line Of The Border" CD

Kolossus "The Line Of The Border" CD

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Co-released with The Ritual Productions. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art CD.

Artwork by 'Daisy is Dead'. Guest vocals on "Norge" by Vicotnik. On "Journey" solo guitar by Daisy.

Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.

After the great and atmospheric new album by British one man project Hermitage and the trip back to the days of the early nineties in form of the demo collection by Italian outfit Winged it is time to dive into something more straight forward. Also released by The Ritual Productions (in cooperation with Russian label Satanath) this is another one man project, by a man who has chosen the artist pseudonym Helliminator. Maybe not the most subtle choice, but I won’t give two shits as long as the music is great and hits like a hammer. And this is exactly what the full length debut “The Line of the Border” does. This is some really ferocious and pummeling stuff. Beginning the album is an acoustic prelude, that sets a dark and mysterious tone for the black metal assault ahead. Once this has finished the onslaught starts in form of the first song “Fog”. The battery of blast-beats and ferocious riffing ebbs and flows with the more dreary sections to create a brooding atmosphere of volatility and emotive incantations. Some of the main harmonies are classic second wave, while others bring something more unorthodox to the table. While offering a pretty traditional black metal style at its core Kolossus also tend to go for a more progressive and diverse palette of sounds to concoct a sparse and discordant sense of morbidity that accentuates the more barbaric sections, while tainting the soul with a far more obscure feeling of darkness. There is a strong dissonant atmosphere hovering over the album, but thanks to the laid-back and ambient sections things never get totally hopeless. There are some really beautiful and moving passages, but most of the time the hefty tremolo pickings and blast attacks are dominating. Packing a tight punch with a huge production and monstrous instrumental performances underlining the bestial invocations of the vocals, also done by the man himself, make sure that there is enough meat to pick from the bones. This contrast of sinister and relentless attacks and the more subtle layers is what makes “The Line of the Border” such a fantastic listen. Thumbs up for creating an album which evokes such deep feelings without every becoming repetitive or bland.

Official promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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