Lycanthropy "Operation Werwolf" CD Enhanced bonus videos

Lycanthropy "Operation Werwolf" CD Enhanced bonus videos

Lycanthropy "Operation Werwolf" CD Enhanced bonus videos

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CD contains two mpeg-4 videos – “Oppressive Catastasis” and “Conception I”.

"This opus shows a little bit new approach to a songwriting and arrangement process, we have not changed our black path but reconstructed it for sure. New lyrical subjects appear here also, dealing with war, hate, darkness… Without doubt this MCD summons our hate and fuck off attitude to such things as religion, «human» tolerance and so called social «norms».
You're either with us or against us! WE ARE WAR!".

"Speedy frost-licked black metal dominates on tracks like “German Resistance” and “Offensive of Werwolf Squads,” but they were wise to temper these moments of Marduk/Dark Funeral-styled savagery with slower numbers like “Sentenced to Death” and “Threatened with Torture” that really allows the more brooding side of their sound to come to the fore. “Sentenced…” is particularly noteworthy in this respect, galloping forwards with a steady rhythmic beat and the majestic spirit of Bathory’s Viking era efforts (particularly Hammerheart and Twilight of the Gods). It’s a nice change of pace for them and I certainly wouldn’t mind hearing them explore this facet of their sound more on future albums. It also has to be said that the intro, as trite as it may sound at first, really serves as an excellent lead-in piece to the EP proper, the sounds of war drums, a German commander barking orders and the faraway sound of howling wolves creating an eerie sense of foreboding that effortlessly transports you to some dark snow-covered forest where lots blood is soon to be shed. Marduk and countless others have employed similar intros and/or interludes and there’s a reason for it – it fucking works! All in all, Operation Werwolf is a solid effort".


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