Merrimack ‎"Of Entropy And Life Denial" CD

Merrimack ‎"Of Entropy And Life Denial" CD

Merrimack ‎"Of Entropy And Life Denial" CD

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Hidden last track: "Ultimate Antichrist" (Massacra cover).

First off I will say that this is the first album I have heard start to finish from French black metal horde Merrimack and thus my review is not one of bias in comparison to any of their other material. Secondly, I will say that this is more than just run-of-the-mill black metal. By "more", I mean that it offers more to the listener than the stereotypical 2nd wave sound.
Let me elaborate on that. The band definitely does not lay to waste the traditional elements that made/make black metal the most extreme and aggressive form of Metal there is today. But they throw in death metal-like hammer-ons like you would hear in lets say a Cannibal Corpse song but not enough for them to be pushing the limits on this album to a death/black genre. Just more-than-slight hints of depressive style black metal can be heard as well. You can tell these guys were influenced by other respected French black metal bands like Vlad Tepes, Mütiilation and Torgeist. Could be just a coincidence but by no means do they don't seem like they were rocking Cradle of Filth "Jesus is a Cunt" shirts and listening to "Midian".
The vocals are amazing. I'm not the kind of person that will say something like that without telling you why. Torment, abhorrence and dominance all wrapped in this guys screams. Rants from the underworld! I'm not trying to sound clever, just trying to get across the way that "Terrorizt" lays to waste all the posers in this overcrowded genre of metal. His lyrics are quite clever with not only extreme anti-christian and misanthropic elements but also what I interpret as mildly avant-garde. Brilliant guy.
The pace of the album is pretty much the same from start to finish. I would say more mid-paced music that falls into a more "draggy" melancholy state in specific parts, especially in the appropriately titled "Melancholia Balneam Diaboli". This song would definitely appeal to fans of Striborg, Xasthur Abyssic Hate. The only turn off may be the production.
The production is rather good for a band that is sporting so much of a depressive and and almost ritualistic vibe. I have no quarrels with level of quality at all but some "kvlt" kids may find it to be much too professional. I have never been able to stand the fact that black metal must be recorded in a bedroom and/or on a cassette deck in order for it to be considered valid black metal. That's just bullshit and Merrimack proves it with fervor. I mean it's not over-the-top like Dimmu Borgir or a Peter Tägtgren production but this band will still lose points with some black metal fans because of this aspect.
The musicianship isn't by any means pushing new and unchartered boundaries but they get the job done and don't half-ass it. Skill-wise, the drumming is quite impressive, especially for this type of black metal. There isn't an over-the-top amount of blast beats but just enough to add flavor to certain riffs. Virtuosic drumming wouldn't fit well with what these guys seem like they are trying to do anyways.
To sum this release up in 5 words would be tough but I'll try. Hating with strength and finesse. And again, the vocals are the best part but don't insult the other elements into obscurity. I will definitely be checking more of this bands material out. Highly recommended black metal.


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