Revenge "Infiltration.Downfall.Death" CD

Revenge "Infiltration.Downfall.Death" CD

Revenge "Infiltration.Downfall.Death" CD

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Fans of Sarcofago, Hellhammer, early Mayhem, Beherit, Necrovore, Slaughter (Canada), Repulsion will most likely appreciate this.
I bought this album blindly at the shop, having gotten a sense of the buzz surrounding this band, I knew it was supposed to be crazy and the folks were considering the band a classic so I went ahead and took a chance to add it to my collection. On my first listen I was overwhelmed and confused. The vocals were so hateful, and I mean the actual TONE and delivery - the way he is actually screaming has me thinking this person is one of the most direct, hateful and determined behind a mic I've ever heard, if a person is what can truly be described here... I only wish the complete lyrics were printed because I really want to know everything Revenge is saying here. The little sample they give you is better than nothing, though, and I suppose it's part of the mystique.
After having perused through their older material I can safely say that this album stands out as one of the best, like top 3 in their discography thus far. Part of this is the production. Yes, it's still the classic Revenge production, but this time the guitars peer through a bit more, allowing one to most of the time make out what the riffs are if he really listens closely enough. To me, this is great because the riffs are actually memorable and worth hearing.
What I haven't heard anyone mention yet - and this is probably the most intriguing part of the whole album - is the 2nd vocal part... And I'm not talking about Pete Helmkamp (who does a tremendous job, btw). I have coined this as ' The Frogman' or 'The Swamp Monster'. Whoever is responsible for these (and I believe it's James Read) has created something so uniquely dark, supernatural, and subterranean - the only thing I can call this is genuinely terrifying. I live for those moments on the album when these particular vocals come in.
WHAT IS HELL is going on with these vocals? What kind of effects processing are being used? Are they using a pitch shifter, a vocoder, both? Or is this guy really just capable of growling like that? Beyond the actual pitch of these vocals, it sounds as it the words themselves are being contorted so as to create a sort of different language, or if it's English than he has made a new way to pronounce/process English words so that it sounds otherworldly. Another fascinating aspect of these vocals is how they span a very wide frequency range in the mix. They aren't "eq'd" and thus in this sense are full-throated, unmitigated, almost live-sounding and aurally dominating while simultaneously staying buried just beneath the surface of the mix due to their restrained volume and very low pitch, further conjuring that image of a creature that lays just beneath the surface of the murky waters and fog that envelop this album. These vocals ruthlessly signal your oncoming doom, like they'll swallow you up in their slimy, gargling horror. Check out "By Force (The Only Option)" and "Barbed Anti (No Remorse)" as examples.
Drums are dry and claustrophobic, almost ironically so as there's definitely a sense of space in this album regardless of the instruments not having much reverb. So too are the primary/higher-pitched vocals - dry and unprocessed aside from being uniquely performed and recorded. They sound as if the singer's mouth is directly on the mic (but not cupped), causing some form of proximity boom and distortion, mixed with his beleaguered delivery it's just astonishing. There's almost a Burzum-esque feel to these vocals in how he expresses an almost crying-like, emotionally overwhelming delivery. It's as if the man is so enraged that his voice is breaking in his hysteria. He's loss his civilized senses and he's out to murder. He is barbaric once again.
There's an honesty to this production that brings back the time when this sort of metal was actually brutal and unpolished, but also doesn't compromise what a good engineer can do to craft an intentionally ravaged and powerful sound that's not simply "retro", but is actually unique, standing strong and on its own in the present era. For how many "crazy", psycho fast and hysterical grind-core bands are out there I've never heard any that sound just like Revenge. It's hard to clearly define this as grindcore or black metal, but I called it "black-grind" once and I still find that fitting.
This music is like the soundtrack to a prehistoric tribe taking revenge on a neighboring one that committed a grave act of injury or dishonour on them. They shall massacre every last one of them and mercilessly raze their encampment. Uncompromising isn't a strong enough word for this band. Get out somewhere alone at night and blast this. You need to feel alone and afraid. This will get under your skin and give you some interesting thoughts and feelings.



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