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Released by Nihilistische KlangKunst limited 250 copies
Earlier in 2019 Greek black metal outfit have released the EP “Devoted to Nothingness” consisting of an intro and seven tracks. I have not really seen any information about when the material has been recorded but compared to “We, The Oblivious” the sound is even colder and grimmer.The production quality gives the album a raw sound many times throughout, especially in terms of the vocal aspects. The guitar riffs found in this one aren't too complex or fast paced, but they still manage to keep a memorable tone and add to the stellar melodies accompanied by the steady percussions and some loud shrieks. There is some solo guitar action in certain songs, but it's never too overwhelming. However, I will say that the rhythm and the lead guitar complement each other adequately. Sharp basic chords are melted with eerie and hypnotic harmonies to create an outstanding atmosphere.The music here is raw, it’s angry and at times it sounds bloody dirty. But for all that, it’s absolutely fascinating. One highlight for sure is the drumming with the man behind the kit having everything needed in his repertoire. Ultra-fast blasts and relentless fills are alternating with more groovy and laid-back sections. Depending on what a concrete moment asks for he is able to ramp up the intensity or slow things down and concentrate on the groove.The production is also spot on. While I am generally speaking more a fan of punchy and clear mixes the overall sound perfectly fits to the style. Sorgelig exactly knew where they wanted to go with “Devoted to Nothingness” and everyone looking for a piece of primitive yet captivating metal off the beaten paths should check it out.