Spectral Whisper "Following the Path of the Black Arts" CD

Spectral Whisper "Following the Path of the Black Arts" CD

Spectral Whisper "Following the Path of the Black Arts" CD

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Spectral Whisper is a black metal project hailing from Kassel, Hesse in Germany. The band was formed in 2017 and is currently split-up. The band called Mysteria Mystica Aeterna are the men behind Spectral Whisper. There are six albums in total that has been recorded in the past, and it has now been decided to release these, under the name of Spectral Whisper, to the public.

The band has three albums behind their belt so far, and another three are due to be released. The last one to be released was “Following the Path of the Black Arts”. The band has previously released “Witchcraft – Compendium of Black Arts, Necromancy and the Sinister Path” in 2022 and “Enchantress of Black Curses” in 2023.

With every release so far, the band changes their band logo. Here is what the band has to say about Spectral Whisper:

Today is the release date of the Spectral Whisper album “Following the Path of the Black Arts” on Astral Nightmare Productions. The album features the complete lineup of Mysteria Mystica Aeterna. Some have asked us why we release albums, while in fact the band is split up. The reason is, all these albums are old recordings. We only released them digital on a platform called Fidbak.audio and showed them to a few people only. Two years ago, we decided to release them on CD format, one after another. In fact, there are 6 albums. Three are now released, three will follow. The release order is not the recording order. The real chronological is: 

1. The chassalian occultist
2. Strigae
3. Enchantress of Black Curses
4. Witchcraft
5. Ars Occulta
6. Following the Path of the Black Arts

First we weren’t sure if we should release the first two under the Spectral Whisper moniker because they are entirely different, but finally, we decided to release them too. Spectral Whisper was never a real band, it’s just the name we chose afterward to release these albums under one name.


The stunning album cover of this release drew my attention straight away when I was scrolling through the countless releases on the BMP YouTube channel. Upon hearing the first few seconds of the first track “Necromancer” I knew, I was in for a true black metal experience.

Low distorted guitars create an atmosphere from the get go. Plummeling drums with great use of the cymbals enter before Noxathra’s vocals comes growling like a bloodthirsty wolf. The tracks have wondrous synthesizers creating harmony to the cold guitars. I get some Emperor vibe’s listening to these. At the 2 min 50 sec marker, the track “Necromancer” takes a new path, going slower with a simple repeating guitar riff, double bass drums leads the pace back before traditional black metal carries on the rest of the track. This album does this really well, filling it songs with variety that draws your attention and leads you on to new musical pathways.

The next track starts off with a nice little drum build-up and transitions into blast beats with a mean riff thundering alongside it. I really have to applaud the drumming on this album, the main force of speed and power are carried by drummer “M.D.B” while “Noxathra’s” riffs bear a slower and looming pace, thus creating deep felt atmospheres.

The transitions between sections are swift and firm, the change of speed really enhances the feel of the tracks and indulge you to bang your head. Overall, the sound is deep and filling and the production of it is really well. Following the Path of the Black Arts is 30 minutes of pure German black metal, saluting synthesized atmospheres and the rawness of early black metal.

If you are a fan of early Norwegian black metal, atmospheres and synth as well as great drumming, then this release is for you. I’m not going to recommend any stand-out tracks from this album, as it’s a short release and therefore best heard in its entirety.

So do yourself a favour this Monday afternoon, fill up a strong cup of coffee, get your headphones on and relax in a good chair with Spectral Whisper blasting your other thoughts away!

Sample:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUg4kDFoRuY&t=269s

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