The Scars In Pneuma "The Path Of Seven Sorrows" CD

The Scars In Pneuma "The Path Of Seven Sorrows" CD

The Scars In Pneuma "The Path Of Seven Sorrows" CD

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The Scars in Pneuma (“The Scars in the Soul” – from “πνεύμα”, ancient Greek word for “breath”, “breath of life” and, in a religious context, for “spirit”, “soul”) is a melodic black metal act based in Brescia, Italy.

Lorenzo Marchello - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Francesco Lupi - Guitars
Daniele Valseriati - Drums

‘The Path Of Seven Sorrows’ was recorded at Elfo Studio in Tavernago (Pc), Italy and mixed / mastered at Goblin Studio in Piacenza, Italy by Daniele Mandelli, June to September 2018. All music and lyrics by Lorenzo Marchello. Arrangements by The Scars In Pneuma.
Additional guitar arrangements by Francesco Lupi. Guest vocals on ‘Souls Are Burning’ and ‘Constellations’ by Irene Ettori.
Cover painting ‘The Fire at Night’ (1794) by Francisco Goya. Band logo by Raoul Mazzero / View From The Coffin.
Daniele Valseriati exclusively endorses: Vibe Drum, Instanbul Agop cymbals, Vater sticks.

Hailing from the City of Brescia in Italy, at the foot of the Alps, The Scars In Pneuma introduce themselves with this their debut album, ‘The Path Of Seven Sorrows’. Formed initially as a solo project in late 2016, vocalist, guitarist and bassist Lorenzo Marchello decided to make the project into a full band the following year. Certainly by looking at these guys you would not think they could produce such ferocious Doom Metal, especially being a three piece. But that’s exactly what ‘Devotion’ brings us. The album opener is intense and pulsating from the very beginning. Guitars and drums pound at such a manic pace it leaves your head spinning. Souls Are Burning’ is what I would call ‘The Perfect Doom Metal Song’, hence it’s inclusion as the video-track above. It tricks you by beginning with a slow chugging intro before unleashing a whirlwind of intensity straight at you. There is more structure to this track in the fact that there are various speed changes allowing you to catch your breathe. But the jewel in the crown here is the instrumental mid-break, which is interrupted to my surprise by a haunting female voice. Beautifully eerie in every way. This is then replaced with virtual silence, only to be broken by some peaceful guitar strumming. The finale of the song is something special as it builds to it’s death. Perfect. ‘Spark To Fire To Sun’ brings us more great Doom intensity. It’s a breathe of fresh air when bands I’ve not heard before have their own characteristic sound. And that’s exactly what TSIP have. It helps you to build a picture based on what you are listening to. There is some great dual guitar work to be heard throughout this album so far, and I think that could quite possibly become a trademark of these guys. ‘All The Secrets We Keep’ slows the tempo down considerably and is more melodic than the previous three tracks, but finds it’s place on this album with ease. Being one of the longest tracks on the album at just under seven minutes, there’s plenty of scope here for this track to change direction several times, turning it from a song into an anthem. The superbly titled ‘Dark Horizons Ahead’ gives us more of the good stuff, before we reach ‘The Glorious Empire Of Sand’. Clocking in at over eight minutes, I assume we have the album’s major anthem here and I have high expectations. What a stunning two minute intro of peaceful guitaring and elegant drumming. Almost Spanish-like, if you will. Before you have time to blink we are on our journey into an epic track of serenity, intensity, melodies, mood and atmosphere. It has it all and deserves it’s place as one of the greatest Doom Metal tracks I have heard. This brilliant album draws to a close with ‘Constellations’. Another sublime track with the beautiful female voice once again. The build up here is nothing short of flawless. The shifting between major and minor keys is genius. There’s no Doom, just peaceful guitars producing an amazing end to the album. In some ways, this is the best track on what I will describe as a flawless debut album.


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