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Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of classical «Fjelltronen» album. Will be released on tape via Resistance SoundscapeThis compilation, made by prominent Russian artists, is a kind of tribute to the classic Wongraven debut. Each participant presented two compositions composed in their own style, but inspired by this legendary album.
To some extent Til Fjeltronen is a Russian tribute to the legendary Wongraven - Fra Fjeltronen album.This release is a compilation of all the songs that have been inspired by the Wongraven. But every artist has their own vision and inspiration.This album is made with great respect to Satyr as a tribute to his art.
Featuring mighty Elador, Olshanoe, Fjara, Schneesturm and Wanderer.
1. Elador - Above Northern Peaks (Interlude) 2. Elador - Covered in the Snow 3. Olshanoe - Velkommen Vinter 4. Olshanoe - Tiden Er En Stenlagt Grav 5. Schneesturm - Twilight Above Iced Mountains 6. Schneesturm - In the Endless Frost 7. Fjara - Talvi (Elegia) 8. Fjara - Talvi (Nocturne) (feat. Pavel M.) 9. Wanderer - Sunrise Coming10. Wanderer - The Pass