Utuk Xul "The Goat Of Black Possession" CD


Utuk Xul "The Goat Of Black Possession" CD

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Cover design by Blenor from "Design the War". Dedicated to the memory of former member Salamander.
The back sound on 'Intro' and 'Outro' was taken from Dr. Anton Szandor Lavey, 'The Goat of the Black Possession' track is a live ritual under the sign of the black mark.

Although I prefer more mid-paced Black Metal, this album was a nice change of pace (no pun intended), since not many bands are really doing the constant blasting anymore. I would say that these guys are like the Columbian answer to older “Panzer Division” era Marduk, but much, much heavier.
Utuk Xul plays unrelenting blasting Black Metal with a vengeance. Pure Satanic Fury. The production on “The Goat of the Black Possession” is above average for most underground Black Metal, but still maintains a grim feeling. The riffing is good, though not very inventive at times, however the sheer heaviness of all the elements (vocals, guitars, drums, bass) combined, come together well. The vocals are excellent, very high and shrieking, somewhat comparable to the vocals on the Behexen album: Rituale Satanum. The drums are furious and simply unstoppable, many cool drum fills and a lot of cymbal crashing. The first two songs, each being over ten minutes in length, are really quite impressive, as they are blasting almost non-stop. The 5th track “Allax Xul” is an instrumental, and the only track where they slow it down a bit, too bad there wasn’t vocals for that one. So if you enjoy “Panzer Division Marduk” style, Blasting Black Metal then this album is definitely for you.



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