Veneror "Percussimus Foedus Cum Morte" vinyl LP


Veneror "Percussimus Foedus Cum Morte" vinyl LP

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I don’t know if the genre has reached a point of no return after multiple facets changing everyday at almost every place of the Globe. It’s obvious that every manifestation has a particular perspective of black metal, and it depends of many factors how it would sound the result. But sometimes everything needs a refresh if you don’t want to fall into repetitive stuff. Veneror is a horde coming from Italy, and they really have a particular point of this violent and freezing black art. They developed an infernal yet eclectic black metal mass rooted in the sound coming from the north of Europe, which I will not mention any name. Actually, these young demons did an excellent work creating such flayed guitar riffs, based on a fast drum kit and tied with violence. Vocalist sings like a possessed, and seems that he has a big experience doing these duties. If you point all the good aspects coming from this piece of violent black metal, you would say that it’s a great album coming from Italian underground. The problem here is that there are so many bands sounding just like this that for me it turns a little bit bored and repetitive. I’m definitely not saying that this is a bad band; actually they are really good and transmit different emotions through epic guitar riffs. My favorite is “Alogos, Azothos, Achornos” which is a great piece of black metal based in the most obscured and cold music coming from the Nordic area. But, as aforementioned, I’ve heard maybe too much of this genre, specifically of this Nordic sound. Maybe I must drink a couple of beers more and relax, so I can say this band moved my head. 

8 tracks of Serpentine Black Metal from Italy bearing the okkult atmosphere and pride of Necromass, Altar Of Perversion and Mortuary Drape yet with a personal sound! Powerfully recorded and equally aggressive and melodic,
Veneror will slit your throat and crush your heart with hands cold as Death itself.

Veneror create long, flowing, compositions in the style of Sacramentum which carry a melancholic but sinister emotive pallet through melodious arpeggiated twin guitar harmonies. Structurally these songs cycle in between two or three motifs yet eschews a sense of heightened dynamics while coarse vocals ride atop giving a sense of continuity rather than circularity. This is further reinforced by the chromatic development which carries itself into reprieves which close each section with sparsity before jaunting into the next. The resultant unbroken sequence of phrases is not unlike what Revenant would use to great effect on their infamous and only full length album. Percussimus Foedus cum Morte is the music of grey days where the horizon is twisted by the tendrils of clouds reaching towards the earth to pull away remaining warmth; leaving a chill so fraught that bones of once lush forest beg to be burned. The verboten pleasure of this record’s melodies reflects the bliss which accompanies the stillness of death. A state sought after in life but only achieved by its extinguishment; the snow suffocated entropic peaks of winter exhaust desire, leaving only silence which persists until the turn of the solstice lures the world back into a state of bustled suffering. Despite being stylistically derivative Veneror overcome the limitations of overfamiliarity through the conviction and skill with which the entity assembled its contents. The consistency of vision achieved here is commendable and owed to the patient thematic development unfolding during the course of each track. The resultant aesthetic experience is orthogonal to the well-traversed paths of northern European black metal which are marked by solidified precipitated sediment. Percussimus Foedus cum Morte’s trajectory leads one over ground which has only been touched by the quivering paws of foxes and their prey which exists in the spaces between its influences.


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