Vonülfsrëich "Ylfsre​ä​lm Inguz" CD


Vonülfsrëich "Ylfsre​ä​lm Inguz" CD

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Vonülfsrëich is a Finnish black metal duo, which so far released seven EPs and only one full length album. Here I have the last recording they did, which is "Ylfsreälm Inguz", putted out on CD by Fallen Temple. And since I have never heard anything from Vonülfsrëich before, I had absolutely no idea what is this band about or if any of their earlier recordings were good. As for "Ylfsreälm Inguz" I have to say that it's pretty solid onslaught of pure, cold and hateful black metal. Vonülfsrëich sounds a lot like an early Darkthrone here - of course I could mention also dozens of other similar bands, but let's be honest; they all are influenced by Darkthrone anyway. So, if I mention Darkthrone only - from their earlier albums, let's say up to "Total Death" - then it is enough. And for black metal there couldn’t be a better source of influence, in my opinion.
But, if you want to play this harsh and sort of simplistic, primitive black metal and be good at it, then it requires something more than just knowing three chords, one rhythm and have the most obscure, chaotic production on earth. I'm glad then that Vonülfsrëich does that fuckin well. I mean, there's absolutely nothing what a fan of black metal grimness would not like. Songwriting is solid, there are some damn great riffs, good variation in the playing - with that whipping fast black metal to almost melancholic, but cold and grim sounding slower stuff. It all sounds exactly as you would expect it from such band, with the only difference that for me "Ylfsreälm Inguz" is a bit better than your average primitive hateful black metal. I actually am surprised that I like it so much, because I don't listen to such music often anymore (at least not as much as I did 10-15 years ago). But those Finns are worth of my recommendation, check Vonülfsrëich out then.

Sample: https://nofunhouse.bandcamp.co...

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