Winterblut ‎"Seid Furchtbar Und Zerstöret Euch!" CD

Winterblut ‎"Seid Furchtbar Und Zerstöret Euch!" CD

Winterblut ‎"Seid Furchtbar Und Zerstöret Euch!" CD

Solo quedan 100 unidades de este producto

Limited to 330 copies.

Well, I have a difficult relationship with this album, let's put it this way. At the first attempt this work made a strange impression upon me, in a manner of speaking, I didn't accept it. All the music seemed to me like a long introduction. It occured to me, that such manner would be good for 2-3 songs only, but it was hard to listen to the whole album of such material.
I can offer two metaphors. Firstly, it's very reminiscent of the Thorns material from the split "Thorns vs. Emperor": at first it was interesting, but then my thoughts were all jumbled together. What's the point? Don't understand, sorry. Secondly, "Seid furchtbar und zerstöret Euch!" sounds like a car that starts for a long time, but never begins to move. I waited and waited for the wonted and inestimable madness of Winterblut, but it never happened. Maybe "Seid furchtbar und zerstöret Euch!" can be regarded as a provocation. Or as unfinished work, a kind of draft... Or maybe, I'm not so mad to understand this madness?
Ok, what about the instruments? There are discreet drums here, as if they play... uhm, in a whisper. The guitar parts are basically fingerpicking. Alternate picking / tremolo is practically not used, except for the fifth song "Nicht mehr hier" at 2:37. There is some acceleration in the fourth song "Nachleben" at 5:31 too, but it's still fingerpicking.
It can be said there is some "liveliness" in the second half of the album. In the sixth song "Wie die Axt im Walde" at 1:32 a solo appears, uhm, the primitive one actually, with two notes only. Well, but very atmospheric. The seventh track "Der blasseste Schimmer" also gives some hope, but the ninth "Luft nach unten" is a perfect horror. And the tenth "Das Ende vom Lied" was the most successful song for me... too bad it's short.
Maybe extensive and expressive vocal parts would be able to revive this album? But the voice-part is minimized here – a couple of cries, or rather out-breaths, efflations. Words are heard sometimes, but I'm not sure if they really are, it's like an auditory hallucination.
Yes, there is an atmosphere on the album, but it's kind of psychedelic. Some doomed melancholy, triply-doomed melancholy... I don't remember what number of listenings it was, but probably it suddenly dawned upon me: Winterblut's latest album "Seid furchtbar und zerstöret Euch!" is a remedy for depression. No, I don't mean that this album will help you with your "unwillingness to live", "gloomy view of life" and all that. This album captures all the "negative feelings": it crystallizes them, corners them, turns them into a natural state, in which you need to continue to carry on. You didn't know what to do, but now you know. In fact, the album paints the rather organic picture of the world without emotions and any kind of hope. From which there is no way out. But you can live with it. You can.
Ah, if you need something more specific, I can just say that this is a very experimental work. And although the creator regards this album as non-metal music (I quote: "it's even hard to call that album Metal anymore"), I think it's still metal. Some kind of frozen black metal.


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