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Second DEMOLineup:AE - Guitars, Bass, VocalsTO - Vocals, Drums
Here we have the second demo of Avsky, a highly promising black metal act still in the demo stage of their career. For their first demo I said it was like mixing Burzum with Darkthrone and adding a touch of Shining. This time around I’d say it’s like mixing the angst and agony of Shining with the brutality, schizophrenia and madness of Ondskapt, and then adding a small dose of both Burzum and Darkthrone. A lot of name-dropping going on here, but now you know what we’re dealing with here.No Cure For Mankind is a highly potent demo of awesome black metal. Each riff is a stab in the back, sending shivers down your spine, and the extremely vicious vocals goes from maniacal screaming to gnarly and then back to “I will tear your heart out and devour your damned soul”-screaming again. Really, really good stuff, I tell ya! Most of the time they keep things slow and agonizing, but for a few moments they’ll speed things up and the music takes on a more raw feeling. Unfortunately the drum sound’s not really what you’d hope for during those fast parts, but for the rest of the demo it’s chilly and awesome! It’ll really surprise me if Avsky releases another demo and not an album or split next.