Black Vul Destruktor "The Inner Vul" CD

Black Vul Destruktor "The Inner Vul" CD

Black Vul Destruktor "The Inner Vul" CD

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CD limited 500 copies Co-released with Black Kaos Descent.

Here’s how I came upon this next song: Scrolling through my Facebook news feed I saw the striking artwork you’re now looking at from a post by the grim and great Nox Fragor Art. In his post he said it was created as the cover for an album named The Inner Vul by an Argentinian band named Black Vul Destruktor. So I scurried around and found the band’s page and then a stream of a song from the new album. I was already primed to like the song (“Spectral Shadows”) based on the art and the band’s metal-as-fuck name. The music definitely did not disappoint. If you like murky, toxic, ravenous black/death that flies like a horde out of hell and stomps like a frost giant, this will set you up right. It’s massively heavy, both when it’s rampaging in a red-eyed fury and when it’s slowly nailing spikes in your coffin lid with a sledgehammer. The vocals are thoroughly crazed, too


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