Burzum ‎"Hliðskjálf" Cassette


Burzum ‎"Hliðskjálf" Cassette

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As we all know by now this is Varg's very last album. Having come off albums like Det Som Et Gang Var and Filosofem obviously people saw a huge difference in the music when Daudi Balders rolled along, but that was only the beginning. The second ambiant piece known as "Hildskjalf" was later released and proved to leave you breathless. I have listened to this album many times. I advise you to listen to and understand it. It's not an album to blast in your car down the higway. One of my favorite things is to sit in my room and play it in pure darkness, after midnight. Hell i don't ever recall playing this album before night.
Enough chit chat let's see why this album is brilliance. Let's begin with the stunning melodies. Very epic and thrilling with each time you play this album(for me it's at least 3 times a week.) with music that reaches out to you and pulls you into deep within it's grasp and suffocates you from every breath as you're caught in the true power and emotion of it all.
Tuistos Herz despite what everyone says about it is a very good beginning song. I don't see why it's not. The pace isn't like the later songs when you got into it. I doesn't drive full anger and force like Ansuzgaedaraiwo does, but i'll get into that song later. The synthesizers on this song are very stunning. Sure i know people have already said it's repetitive like every song on this album is at one point or another. Usually the intro is throughout the song as extra stuff comes in play every bit. This will leave everything coming at full force and each song will take your breath away like that.
Der Tod Wuotans is more intense. With the majestic intro that sounds like a middle ages or pagan type theme but more powerful then the other pagan piece Die Liebe Nerpus. By the middle of the song the intro is engulfed by a very melodic type sound that relaxes the song and would allow you to meditate or something as each sound flows like water through your vains. After the two or three minutes that occurs you will see that feeling die down and merge with the majestic intro to make the songs finally one of my personal favorites of the album
Ansuzgadaraiwo is probably the angriest piece on this album known as "Hildskjalf". It starts out semi calm. Continuing from Tuistos Herz...but pulse into a very angry synthesizer that as well sounds very haunting, especially in the dark. It will make you stand on end
Die Liebe Nerpus' goes back to the other theme with the whole pagan experience there. As we all know Varg is really into the whole pagan thing so this melody was probably inspired by Pagan folk music. I don't know this 100% for the folk part because i have never heard the pagan folk music. But i can tell it has a folkish theme to it and know for a fact it's a pagan type thing.
Frijos Einsames Trauern is a more calm and melodic song of the album. With a very high piched piano type this for a while. Until it gets into a mallets and more bass sounding piano. As a pianist myself i really enjoy this song and the tranquil energy that flows from each key.
Einfuhlungsvermogen is another one of those songs with a lot of synth thrown into them at the beginning. Maybe like a finally piece for the synth trilogy. I'm not totally sure but like every other masterpiece crammed onto this this piece is no different and is epic and memorable with every part. A more symphonic feel to it near the middle of the song. Which goes on for quite a while until the end where the synth calms down and becomes more peaceful.
Frijos Goldene Tranen is a great. Sounds like a meditative tape i've heard, though it's extremely stunning. I don't know how Varg can capture such naturous sounds with this final piece and present them in such a fucking powerful way. With another peaceful ending to finalize each epical song. Der Weinende Hadnur is too short for my liking. Though it's very melodic to end the album without some raging angry song. It'll end you with the album in pure awe for quite a while and make you wish you could play it again. Overall this album is one of the most brilliant albums in history of metal....though it's an ambiant album Burzum is still notorious for black metal. With each powerful and stunning theme covering the album you can tell it's very Atmospheric and emotional. When listening to it in the dark close you eyes and it'll give you some amazing visuals while each pulse inside of you becomes one with the musical journey Varg has put you upon. A fucking masterpiece in the music world that i wish everyone had the power to understand. I have listened to it many times yet i still lack many keys to the doors that make this album more brilliant then i believe it really is. Hail Varg for the creation of this masterpiece.



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