Grand Belial's Key "Kosherat" CD


Grand Belial's Key "Kosherat" CD

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Released in 2005, this is a BLACK METAL masterpiece.

To be honest, I never liked Grand Belial's Key before this one. Nothing they ever recorded. This was the first album I ever cared for from them, and apparently the last. Only *insert deity here* knows what they have planned now, since Richard Mills, the only fitting vocalist for this band, has been long gone, and the band has hit "active" status once again...
Right from the first track, "The bearded hustlers", I knew this was going to be something of a huge magnitude. The music, technically, isn't anything to write home about, but everything's performed with such style, class and perfection, it will make any statue of religious figures weep blood instantly.
Musically speaking, GBK have always had their own style in black metal, mixing some hardcore punk atmosphere within deep and hateful black metal. How about MELODIES in a band that UG worshippers can agree with? All the music is "hummable", by which I mean that it's not entirely covered in 500% volume boost shrieking without content. GBK have always had their memorizable melodies, and with yet rather generic vocals, I couldn't think of anyone else to do the job as well as mr. Mills did.
The album only has two tracks I don't care about, both are cover songs of the band "Chaos 88"... Why? Well, they're too "punk" to suit the atmosphere of the rest of the album, which is entirely blasphemic in an entirely unique way. Take those two shorties out of account, you have the best 55 minutes of stylish black metal you could ever imagine. Completely anti-semitic, though I don't agree with just disregarding ONE religion at a time, GBK just completely hammers it's way to all new black dimensions. The mixing is completely unique, while the drums and bass have a smaller role on the final mixture, guitars and vocals do most of the work anyway. The ingenious, melancholic (despite it's violent nature) riffing on "The red heifer", "On a mule rides the swindler" and "Kingdom of poisoned fruits" make this album an essential piece to any black metal fanatic.
Writer's note : This opinion was formed soon after the release of the album, right before mr. Mills met his untimely death. It's not a piece to remember a fallen vocalist in all his glory, it's an honest opinion written before his early decay.


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