Persecutory ‎"Towards The Ultimate Extinction" CD

Persecutory ‎"Towards The Ultimate Extinction" CD

Persecutory ‎"Towards The Ultimate Extinction" CD

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Debut Persecutory full-length "Towards the Ultimate Extinction" offers the sounds that imprison you into infinite depths and darkness within the framework of nothingness of belonging. Featuring 42 minutes of 7 devastating ritualistic death belongs to the infinite wrath in your impious nightmares. This furious hurricane released on CD & MC through Polish label Godz Ov War Productions at the end of June 2017. LP version released through the same label in May 2019.
The declaration indicates the submission to the endless gaze that ultimate infidelity reigns, and it's totally against the existential, temporal and spatial thoughts of the well-known impotence and temporal progress. The final truth is to be buried into the vortex of the chaos spiral, and it will be inevitable to bow to the void of the embracing darkness that was delivered by satanic revolution.

One look at Persecutory’s logo should give you a pretty damn good idea of what this Turkish four piece piece sounds like: loaded bandoliers cross over a pentagram; three spears appear above the lettering; all bookended by two serpentine dragons. Though a band’s logo is a minor glimpse into a band, Persecutory’s logo aptly embodies their blistering, destructive blend of black, death, and thrash metal. Towards the Ultimate Extinction is the band’s first full length offering, released through Godz of War Productions.
Those who had a chance to listen to the band’s debut EP released last year, Perversion Feeds Our Force, are in for quite surprise. While their debut EP featured four compact, yet delightfully crushing tracks (averaging around three to four minutes a pop), their full length sees the band confidently stretching out most of their songs into the five minute range; even more striking is the title track, which showcases a staggering eleven minute plus run time. Though the band’s songs are now substantially longer, they retain the punchy brutality and swaggering decrepitude of the EP, and, if anything, their much more dynamic and rewarding as a result.
Towards the Ultimate Extinction is a heavy handed assault, full of frenetic blasting, unhinged vocals, and sharp, yet quite primitive riffing. At nearly forty-two minutes, the band’s ruinous black/death would be difficult to digest in one sitting, but Persecutory offers tons of tempo shifts, mostly into rampant, thrashing madness, but also dirge-like swaths of graven doom. The occasional harmonized lead guitars mix quite nicely with the ruinous, primeval music, giving a brief glimpse of melody before pulling the rug from under your feet. Despite the minor toying with melody, thrashing madness, or doom-laden treks, Persecutory’s remains forceful, blunt, and downright intimidating, like a goat-horned battering ram wrapped in bullet belts.
Though Turkey has churned out quite a few decent black and death metal bands over the years, it’s nice to see the scene spewing some newer acts that are worthy of your time and effort. Towards the Ultimate Extinction is a heavy and rather bestial affair that should appeal to fans of old school black/death metal and those looking for a devilishly heavy and pummeling take on black/thrash. This album is chock full of high energy riffs and fantastic transitions, enough so that the band can make a nearly twelve minute track flow like melted butter. Crushing, pummeling, and quite depraved, Persecutory have certainly outdid themselves this time.


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