Graveland "Dawn Of Iron Blades" Cassette


Graveland "Dawn Of Iron Blades" Cassette

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The TAPE version of the album “Dawn of Iron Blades” is finally available, originally recorded by Rob Darken in 2004 and re-recorded in 2018, this time with a real drummer, in addition to new arrangements with female vocals.

Graveland needs no introduction for those into NSBM. Having relations to some of the best bands in the genre such as Thor's Hammer, Capricornus, and Absurd, Rob Darken is quite a powerful force to be dealt with. The music found on Dawn of Iron Blades is a testament to his ingenious musical capabilities and his passion for his ideology. This is top quality NSBM from the music to the album's artwork and a must have for those into epic black metal as well.
Darken has created an epic masterpiece that hasn't been too talked about this year even though it is one of the best black metal releases to come out of 2004 along with Drudkh and Capricornus' new ones. Dawn of Iron Blades clearly sets a strong mood that is abundant with the passion for war and honor. One can easily find themselves immersed in the music and imagine being on a battlefield ready to fight for glory against their enemies. Darken creates some terrific atmospheric melodies that do battle with catchy warlike riffs through each of the six epic songs. Each track is pretty long and builds up more and more mood as it progresses. Fortunately there is not a single dull moment to be found on the entire album. The music just has such a grasp that forces listeners to pay attention to everything that is going on. Darken's vocals are in a clear raspy black metal vain with occassional battle cries added throughout the album that work very well to even further enhance the atmosphere of Dawn of Iron Blades. The drums are exceptional as well. They work very naturally along with the music, never getting too over the top as so many black metal bands do. Keyboards and acoustics really get the listener deep into the music, further expanding the experience. Everything about this album works perfectly.
The production is absolutely superb. It is crisp and clear, not too raw but not too clean either- just right. Synths are blended in so smoothly with the guitars, drums, and vocals. There is great equilibrium found in the sound of Dawn of Iron Blades and it is flawless.
If you are a Graveland fan, you should already own this. If you are new to the band, this is a great album to start with. Dawn of Iron Blades can appeal to many types of black metal fans. Those into epic, atmospheric, and NSBM will completely love this record. Therefore, this release is strongly reccomended as one of the top contenders for 2004. Graveland captures the spirit of ancient ways in a way no other band can



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