Grima Morstua "Magnam Mortem Transcendere" CD

Grima Morstua "Magnam Mortem Transcendere" CD

Grima Morstua "Magnam Mortem Transcendere" CD

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After their highly polished, albeit very generic-sounding norsecore album, this brave Argentinian band returned with a sophomore effort entitled "Transcending The Great Death" (translated from the Latin title). This time around they present us a very different album -their three albums are very different from one another- in that now the sound is more chaotic, the tempo is mostly mid-paced, exception made of one track (5 if I recall correctly) which is the high point of the album to me; really exciting. Guess these fellas were into the Finnish scene by the time they composed this. It has an overall Horna air to it.
Guitars are not as sharp-sounding as on their fantastic third album (see my review) but instead they dweel mostly in the midrange, and there are two of them, one on each audio channel; can't say any of them plays rhythm and the other leads, but they alternate and counterpoint each other in a very dark-sounding way. Riffs are not clearly defined, and I think this was done on purpose, to keep the playing style raw and chaotic, yet a perverted form of melody is carried out throughout the whole affair; what I call the musical equivalent of pervy porn, sodomizing your ears on every song.
The drumming is good, although low in the mix. The bass guitar is sadly nowhere to be found, even with the most advanced signal processing. My guess is the bassist went for a very trebly sound, and got lost in the mix, buried by the guitars and vocals.
Speaking of the vocals (which are in Spanish) and are great in their declarative -as opposed to sung- style, they are way too highly mixed-in, often burying everything else, so if you want to hear this at the right volume, be prepared to put up with a lot of shouting on the part of Serpienev.
Despite the flaws, and the fact I consider this release inferior to their following album, which I listened to first, I think it has a lot of replay value. Do I recommend it ? Yes, because it's original enough.


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