Ildjarn / Hate Forest "Those Once Mighty Fallen" Split CD

Ildjarn / Hate Forest "Those Once Mighty Fallen" Split CD

Ildjarn / Hate Forest "Those Once Mighty Fallen" Split CD

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I've been familiar with Hate Forest and the act that emerged from it, Drudkh, for some time. I've listened to fewer songs by Ildjarn, but they always seemed like a pleasant mix of noise and black metal to me. So when I realized that there was a split between the two ostensibly discontinued acts, I knew that I had to check it out.
I was not disappointed. Ildjarn's half of the album is a noisy return to early Norwegian black metal. The hard rock roots are easy to hear in these aggressive opening songs, but I was a bit disappointed by the lack of variety and memorability. I can honestly say that each song segued nicely into the next, but there was nothing that really stood out as excellent.
Hate Forest's half was the epitome of the rapid-fire ambient/atmospheric feel that it and Drudkh have made famous. Production was raw, but not as (intentionally?) noisy and crude as Ildjarn, and I rather enjoyed the growled vocals. It was a nice departure from the standard shrieks that one hears in black metal, and my main complaint (as a big fan of Drudkh and Hate Forest both) is that the drumming was just a little too loud, and a little too crisp. Subduing percussion and making it a tiny bit rawer would have gone far in this case, at least that's my opinion.
Overall, I was rather pleased with this album and will listen to it many more times in the future. I preferred Hate Forest a lot more, but that's just due to my tastes. Ildjarn is excellent in its own right.


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