Inquisition "Obscure Verses for the Multiverse" Cassette

Inquisition "Obscure Verses for the Multiverse" Cassette

Inquisition "Obscure Verses for the Multiverse" Cassette

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One of the reasons why good music is so important in our lives is that it can move us to a different, better world and in effect make us feel better. It also inspires us to do something creative and outstanding. It helps us to find our own place in this complicated world. Obscure Verses for the Multiverse does all of this.
Inquisition is a black metal duo founded in Colombia, that later moved to the USA. The lineup haven’t changed since 1996. The mainman is Dagon, who writes the songs and the lyrics and plays all guitars and does all the vocals. His partner is Incubus, who does magic on drums. Their lyrics in the beginning were focusing mainly on Satanism, but later they decided to combine it with Cosmology and Astrobiology. What a great decision, Dagon. These lyrics fit the music perfectly and make the band more outstanding in the genre. I feel like Obscure Verses for the Multiverse was a climax of Dagon’s cosmic obsession.
The record starts with a song Force of the Floating Tomb. Since the very beginning we hear a wall of sound consisting of a fast guitar riff and blast beats and we know what we are dealing with – the riffs are very melodic and atmospheric and the drums are played really ambitiously. The vocals are very mystic and dark. This song itself gives the listener an unforgettable experience. It blows me away every time I’m listening to it. And it’s only the beginning. After the opening song ends, it smoothly goes to Darkness Flows Towards Unseen Horizons, an (in contrast) slowly starting song with an unbelievably melodic and catchy riff. This album is not only about Cosmology and Astrobiology. It’s also… Riffology.
And this catchiness reaches its climax in the title track that comes next. This song stand out the most because of its simple tempo in the beginning. Perfect song for headbanging. It was the first song from the album that I’ve heard and it incredibly blown me away that I immediately listened to the whole album. You have to be a master to write a song that is melodic, catchy, atmospheric, but also chaotic, dark and heavy at the same time. And I don’t know who you have to be to write 9 such songs.
Yes, guitars are unbelievable, but I also can’t forget about the drums. They sound so professionally and creatively played, and they touch my ears in the soft points. I always appreciate black metal bands whose riffs are connected well with the drums. This is a perfect example. And it’s a common thing in the whole Inquisition discography.
The rest of the songs is just as amazing. The record is like a journey through the cosmic seas. It is surprising the listener all the time with the creativity in the songwriting, hidden elements and a perfect connection of music and lyrics. What is important is that all the songs have a common denominator, but still each of them is unique and they together create a consistent whole. What adds to it is that all the songs are connected to each other with smooth transitions. It’s so exciting to listen. It gives the listener a true catharsis, purification and an experience of beauty. A true cosmic perfection.


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