Mors Vincit Omnia ‎"Opprobrium" CD

Mors Vincit Omnia ‎"Opprobrium" CD

Mors Vincit Omnia ‎"Opprobrium" CD

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This album is done by members of Melbourne’s Sanguinary Misanthropia + other musicians, not too clear on who exactly. What at first appears to be a slightly loose rehearsal recording, eventually resolves into a full-blown LP. It’s a bit of a surprise, as the performance is in fact a bit loose; it gives it an interesting live vibe, which can be uncommon. The production is shadowed, but is actually really clear, with all the instruments well-represented and with plenty of room for guitar solos and clean passages.
The singer’s hoarse croaking vocals will be familiar to fans of Sanguinary Misanthropia – so would also be the Satanic themes – the CDs layout overflowing with geometrics and incantations.
The music is a chaotic blend of death and Black Metal in that whilst the focus is definitely on the Black Metal, the abrupt tempo changes and the use of inventive percussion are something that is more common in Death Metal. Track 4 (the titled track) has a great clean guitar intro with resonant toms rolling in the background, then the rusty guitar kicks in – it’s all so fitting whilst at the same time made of such disparate elements.
In the end, whilst this is a really good, dark album, it’s lacking a certain catchiness that makes you want to go back and listen to it time and again. Granted that Satanic Art is meant to be extreme and uncompromising, this is presented as a metal album, so…give the audience a break now and then. Otherwise it will all pass slightly above their heads like an ill-meaning storm. I do recommend this to fans of dark, Satanic BM. It has been released by Satanic Propaganda Records, contact Andreas Herrlin, Varsgpåret 6, 75597 Uppsala Sweden

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