Scythe Lore "Through The Mausoleums Of Man" CD

Scythe Lore "Through The Mausoleums Of Man" CD

Scythe Lore "Through The Mausoleums Of Man" CD

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SCYTHE LORE are a death metal band in all its aspects, in every definition. Not for nothing is this power-trio named SCYTHE LORE: this beast is being hurled into the world with both stealth and mystery. Its first manifestation of dread, darkness, and doom suitably bears the title Through the Mausoleums of Man.

- Jewelcase CD 8 page Booklet on 170gm Art Paper Limited to 500 copies

Once again some unknown individuals who are spawning some dark filth, only this time it isn’t any raw or occult Black Metal, but ancient dark Death Metal from Germany.

“Through the Mausoleums of Man” has everything you want if you like the concept of combining the HM-2 savagery of Carnage, Nihilist, Mordbrand and the likes on one hand and the old school gloom of the first Paradise Lost or first Asphyx. And although the emphasise is more on the first matter, the moments when the slow parts kicks in are therefore more drastic. These guys sure know how to create a balance between the two. Dark and mystic Death Metal, old school and pure. Scythe Lore delivers the goods without any doubt with this satisfying EP.

Now it is time for another release from Iron Bonehead, the debut EP of Death Metallers SCYTHE LORE, let’s see if they carve their mark in the scene with this career launching release. Set for release on June 21st.

  1. Eschatology Speaks All Tongues grinds in with feedback before blasting out grooving, morbid riffs and demonic howling. The full force of the band barrages us ferocious riffs and slamming drums accompanied by some truly tormenting vocals, a whiplash speed and aggression immediately present to convey to strength of the monstrous songwriting. Totally fierce and filled with a monolithic momentum, this opening track draws the EP in with so much menacing hatred, balanced by some nicely textured doomy sections. Slow drawn out lead guitars add a nice melodic touch to the piece while keeping this incredibly dark. A fantastic start.
  2. Jhator fires out more blistering riffs and insanely pounding drums, the HM-2 fury hitting hard. This track has a truly penetrative speed that balances out into some nice mid-tempo and upbeat growling instrumentals. More vitriolic vocals are layered into the soaring guitars and blastbeats, giving a short but intensely punchy performance of totally hasty morbidity. Excellent.
  3. Behind 7 Walls And 7 Gates follows up with more meandering grooves, machine gun drums and a really catchy upbeat hook to the whole band taking the foreground. There is a nice variation between screams and growls that adds to the ferocity of the song with the gnarly guitars and relentless drums forcefully attacking at full speed. The bass and drum solo worked nicely to build tension before cavernously doomy riffs belt out pure fuzzy insanity. The dragging pacing and crawling lead work sounds hideously heavy, a crushingly delightful piece of truly odious Death Metal brilliance.
  4. Absonus force-feeds us more dungeon-dwelling murky production featuring the monstrous drum work we have been offered consistently, grinding buzzsaw guitars and gut-wrenching growls. Another shorter piece that still holds the wicked momentum and true aggression of the EP. An unfaltering track of fast-paced, frenzied mayhem. Wonderful.
  5. Established Death slows things down with huge soundscapes of crunchy guitars, slow tempo drum work and eerie spoken word that is incredibly distorted. Searing lead guitars cut through the grim rhythm sections before the tension is built further in storming, slow-paced grooves. The song builds into some nice faster sections with tight drums and absolutely glorious guitar riffs, the upbeat pace is totally decimating with the howled vocals adding to the chaotic feel of the song. Interwoven with nice doomy touches and also some crust influence, this is a really unique sounding track that was absolutely epic.
  6. With Our Rotting Flesh sets off similarly to its predecessor with slower tempos but the tremolo picked guitars adding a really foreboding sound this time. A squealed harmonic drops us into frenzied battle-hardened blastbeats, morbid howling vocals and ripping guitar riffs for one last piece of totally ferocious, hideously heavy and utterly devastating Death Metal that sounds like it was torn right from the bowels of hell. There is some added dissonance in the guitars, while subtle, giving an even harsher edge to the music that was just phenomenal. A graciously and suitably menacing final track.

    Once again, modern Death Metal proves it can still sound as filthy as it did back in the day. Growling HM-2 guitars, hammering drums and tormented vocals give us a complete experience with textured doomy sections and totally riveting faster assaults. An energetic, powerful and incredibly well balanced debut EP


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