Silberbach ‎"Séance Obscure" CD

Silberbach ‎"Séance Obscure" CD

Silberbach ‎"Séance Obscure" CD

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Black Metal from Germany released by Obscure Abhorrence Productions

This new and fifth album represents a quintessence of all creations by Silberbach.
It is a journey through time. A Journey through the portal to the world of the dead, which holds back the living. A Summoning of old and new spirits. A "Seance Obscure".

Siberbach are a band from Germany that plays a very atmospheric and misanthropic form of black metal and this is a review of their 2020 album "Seance obscure" which was released as a joint effort between Obscure Abhorrance Productions and Dominance Of Darkness Records. Drum beats start off the album along with some melodic riffing a few seconds alter before going into a very fast and raw musical direction which also uses a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats which also gives the songs more of a raw feeling and clean playing is also added into a lot of the tracks. Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams while the songs also add in a decent mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts. When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very melodic style along with a great portion of the tracks being very long and epic in length, the clean sections also gives the songs more of a haunting and psychedelic atmosphere and stringed instruments can also be heard briefly on the closing song.
Siberbach plays a style of black metal that is very misanthropic sounding but different with the clean sections being used on a regular basis. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover death, darkness, misanthropy and occultism themes.
In my opinion Siberbach are a very great sounding atmospheric and misanthropic black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre,you should check out this re-issue. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Khodopsinum" and "Herealter".



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