Sorcier Des Glaces "Sorcier Des Glaces" CD

Sorcier Des Glaces "Sorcier Des Glaces" CD

Sorcier Des Glaces "Sorcier Des Glaces" CD

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The Quebecquois Black Metal scene has been going strong since the mid-nineties. Although the sound will invariably continue to be compared to their Norwegian counterparts, there has been enough nuance and evolution of this unique North American scene to distinguish itself and be established in its own right. Sorcier Des Glaces is one of the longer lasting bands in the scene, and this album could, in my opinion be considered their magnum opus.
To start, this is one, long track, also called Sorcier Des Glaces, so it's a self titled song, on a self titled album. I actually find that this is done incredibly well, and compares favorably to long tracks recorded by bands like Moonsorrow, Finsterforst and although not related genre wise, Insomnium's Winter's Gate (which is more of a melodeath album). Where it is like those aforementioned bands/albums is in how intelligently everything is mixed together. Of course, there are several movements within the track that serve as songs in their own right, but they are all linked together by several motifs that run throughout the album, binding it together. The individual movements themselves move through a number of black and related sub-genres: you have straight up, mid-tempo riff bangers, faster, more traditional tremelo picked black sections, blackened death, symphonic black and even some blackened thrash parts. These are all linked by ambient/prog interludes that do a good job of gluing everything together. What impressed me most about this approach is how many movements there are, and how effective each one is. I am always blown away when I start listening to this album, and after it has already went through several kick ass parts I look to see where I am at in the overall album, thinking it must be half over due to how many ideas have already been presented only to learn that 12 minutes have barely passed.
The production overall is great, with all of the instruments (yes, including the bass) clearly audible and infected with the right amount of cold, northern atmosphere. The playing is also top notch, and the band goes through its paces managing searing speed and crushing atmosphere with equal skill. Although it is hard to pinpoint favorite parts, there is one section that consistently stands above the others each time I listen to this, and that occurs at roughly the 22 minute mark, when the band breaks into a truly epic and memorable riff/vocal passage that singes all the hair off my neck each time I hear it. Speaking of the vocals, they are well done, with an above average blackened shriek used throughout. Something I really like about the vocals is how they transition between French and English effortlessly, often times in the same song. Although I don't speak French, I do like the sound of it in black metal, and I generally prefer to listen to BM in languages I don't understand anyways, because for me it adds to the mystique of the overall sound. However, I found myself really liking the English sections too, as the lyrics are quite decent and well put together.
Overall, although I only got this album in 2021, it has already been on heavy rotation and has quickly vaulted itself to being one of my favorite BM albums. It's not the most original thing you will hear, but that is also not necessary, IMO for an album to be great. It has great variety, strong riffs, is well produced and has that "special something" in the atmosphere that many lesser bands try and nail while often falling flat. I very much recommend this to any QBM and BM fan out there. My only wish now is to somehow find a copy of this on vinyl, as my record player would really like to digest this.....



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