Teloch "Morbid Prayer" CD

Teloch "Morbid Prayer" CD

Teloch "Morbid Prayer" CD

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Morbid Prayer(s) is a manifestation of the forces that work within and beyond this entity known as Teloch. Taking the listener from raging Hellfire into the bottomless depths of Tehom. Do not expect "typical" Finnish Black Metal from this album." Erschienen 2009
The first full-length album by the band

Finland’s got some damn fine metal bands, be it black, death or doom. But while some seem to just love what the country produces I often remain somewhat hesitant, ‘cause for some reason I tend to just like Finnish bands, I rarely love them. Can’t say why that is, it just happens to be the case. I honestly didn’t know where Teloch hailed from the first couple of times I listened to the album. At the time I received the promo I didn’t have an internet access, so I never looked them up for info (and the accompanying promo sheet didn’t tell me anything of use). For some reason I got into my head they probably resided in The Netherlands, there was something about their sound that made me think so. Of course I was wrong, but I still say it’s not an entirely typical Finnish sound presented on Morbid prayer.
There’s something about this that feels very 90ies, but certainly not in a bad way. Teloch just stays clear off the modern entities of triggered drums, crisp and clean digital production and whatnot. While certainly presenting their material in a fast pace, the drumming sounds true and full of life, not overly sped up blasting for the sake of breaking speed limits. And I really do dig the drum sound, which has something warm and inviting about it. The guitar sound is another matter, unfortunately. It works great during the fast and melodic parts, but as soon as the rhythm gets too prominent the thinness of it becomes too obvious. Which is too damn bad, ‘cause if it weren’t for that I’d say the muddy and damp production functions well in its enhancement of the atmospheric side of the music. The way the vocals seem to just howl from off in a distant, while still remaining very present and commanding, is a great effect. And what fine vocals, balancing between desperation, angst and murderous rampage…
It’s a very melodic album, but certainly not too melodic. The guitar leads are sometimes wicked, as for instance towards the end of Lifeless voyage, where I can still hear the slow and beautiful melody long after it’s gone. And as soon as Deadly trance takes over and the tempo picks up the powerfulness of the fast riffing is immense, and it still carries a great melody despite the brutality the speed brings. I’m definitely in favour of the faster tracks, which has a more adrenaline-ridden output. But I can’t deny the great atmospheric flair the slower sections bring to the table, and a track like Flesh and flame (which seem to reside just in between fast and slow, in some weird manner) has a killer edge of desperation. The only song I’m not too fond of is actually the title track, which to me comes too close to ‘depressive’ black metal, and suffers from the previously mentioned problem with a thin guitar sound. But nonetheless, I’d say this is a fine debut fullength, leaving some room for improvement, by a band I’m sure will be able to knock me off my feet with a killer follow-up.


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