The Deathtrip "Deep Drone Master" Cassette

The Deathtrip "Deep Drone Master" Cassette

The Deathtrip "Deep Drone Master" Cassette

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United Kingdom / Norway

The Deathtrip's "Deep Drone Master" from 2014 is one of my personal favourites for the best black metal album from the last decade. This album hit without special announcement, but it did hit hard and stack in my memory for good. The Deathtrip is a creation of the man, who calls himself Host, who's been joined by one of the best voices within the Norwegian black metal scene ever, Mr. Aldrahn. It turned out to be a killer cooperation. Host composed essential, perfect sounding black metal and Aldrahn delivered absolutely fantastic vocals, which I think are very, very special. And "Deep Drone Master" lurks deeply into the past of the Norwegian black metal scene, taking inspirations with full grasps, but somehow became equal to the old classics from Darkthrone, Immortal, Thorns, Mayhem, Dodheimsgard or Gorgoroth.
Darkthrone and Dodheimsgard are in my opinion the closest, if I would have to compare "Deep Drone Master" to anything from the past. Darkthrone's mid albums such as "Total Death", "Pure Hate" or "Sardonic Wrath" have the same essence, quality and feeling of the riffage. And "Kronet Til Konge" would join them in this obscure, grim feast. The Deathtrip music sounds cold, gloomy and severe, it has that necro atmosphere, but without turning into useless, primitive garbage. It sounds harsh, but at the same time the production is powerful and just clear enough to give razor sharp riffage and viciousness. Yes, you could definitely hear Snorre Ruch's touch here.
I'm glad The Deathtrip didn't opt for experimentations, but instead perfectly tries to recapture the old black metal magic. Only sometimes you could hear maybe some keyboards or slightly different vocals, like in the amazing "Making Me", but it only makes the whole album sound more interesting and Aldrahn shows how great his voice is. I absolutely love the riffage, these small details attached to them, some melodic parts or truly fantastic arrangements of all guitars, drums and vocals... and the atmosphere, which gives me chills and has almost hypnotic influence, which such "Kronet Til Konge" also did. It's also a proof that even such simplistic music can sound interesting and capturing from start to finish. It all makes an enormous impression.
So, I repeat again - this album for me equals the old Norwegian classics, I can listen to it countless times and it never sounds repetitive or boring, I can always pick up new things, which I find as especially influencing and impressive... This is why I think that "Deep Drone Master" is one of my personal albums of the decade. Or ever. Absolute masterpiece. Kneel before it, as here’s a student who’s became better than some of his masters.


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