The Last Seed "Hellboy" CD

The Last Seed "Hellboy" CD

The Last Seed "Hellboy" CD

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German Black Metal with members of Kerker, Trauer, Todeskult, Todessehnsucht...

The Last Seed are a band from Germany that plays an atmospheric form of black metal and this is a review of their 2018 album "Hellboy" which was released by Nihilistische KlangKunst.
A very heavy and melodic sound starts off the album while the faster sections of the songs also use a great amount of blast beats and tremolo picking which also gives the songs a more raw feeling along with the vocals being mostly grim black metal screams as well as the solos and leads also using a great amount of melody.
Throughout the recording you can also hear a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts while synths when they are utilized makes the music sound more atmospheric along with all of the musical instruments sounding very powerful and one track also adds in a brief use of symphonic elements as well as a couple of tracks also adding in thunder samples and on track also introduces spoken word parts onto the recording.
The Last Seed plays a style of atmospheric black metal that is very different and original form most bands of the genre, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover dark themes.
In my opinion The Last Seed are a very great sounding atmospheric black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Throw The Bones" "Become The Stubborn Goat" "Form Your God" and "Rule The Deep".


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