Venom Inc. "Avé" CD

Venom Inc. "Avé" CD

Venom Inc. "Avé" CD

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Although Tony Bray is credited as the drummer here, all the tracks were programmed by Jeff Dunn (proof).

A lot of opinions have been thrown around regarding the formation of Venom Inc. Some have been excited about the return of the Prime Evil line up of Venom. Others have understandably viewed it as a sad cash grab by the band. Some have even called them a cover band. The question left in the minds of many fans. Are these guys sincere? For many that question was answered while witnessing one of their numerous live sets over the last two years. For others, the arrival of their first album under this moniker may be just what is needed.
Awaiting the release date for Ave’ I wondered what the album would be like. The live sets the band were playing were entirely comprised of classic Venom material from the first two albums Welcome to Hell and Black Metal. Was Ave’ going to be firmly rooted in that classic sound or were they going to deviate from the speed and intensity that made the classic line up so great? I had hope for great things due to the work this line up did on the Prime Evil album (one of my top three Venom albums). However, upon the release of the two tracks in advance of the album some doubt crept into my mind. The first song released was Dein Fleish followed by Ave’ Satanas. Both tracks are fairly long, clocking in at over seven minutes each. Not the typical length for a Venom song (yes, I remember At War With Satan). While I found the songs both heavy and memorable I became concerned that if these are the two advance tracks chosen to represent the album things would be lacking in the speed department. Now that the album has arrived its time to lay the speculation aside and see what Venom Inc. have to show for themselves.
First off the mood on this album is wonderfully established and carried through upon. Ave Satanas is slowpaced but heavy track that sets the mood and sounds like something out of the middle of a classic Venom album. A brave choice knowing the fan’s wanted something balls to the wall right out the gate. This mood is revisited throughout the album on the tracks Dein fleisch and Preacher Man. Dein Fleisch sounds slightly more modern with an industrial feel to it. Don’t let that scare you off it maintains the classic Venom feel. These three tracks seem to be the plumb line for an album that moves in many directions.
While the classic Venom sound bleeds all over this album there are several tracks that are straight to the point old school speed classics. Forged in Hell and The Evil Dead both pick up the pace with out becoming something Venom never was. They are fast and to the point with out trying to break any records of the past. These tracks are a direct nod to their own sound without being over done. A full album of this would have become cheesy. In this context it’s a breath of fresh air. If you’re a fan of Conrad’s many failed attempts at crossover you might like the track Time to Die. A track that has all the hardcore feel without abandoning the metal base. This track hits the nail dead smack on the head. It has a strong hardcore beat and chours that almost sounds like old Slayer but breaks into the sing along hardcore chours. Definitely Slayer Haunting the Chapel erea meets hardcore.
The honor and the fun. This albums makes nods to both Judas Priest and Motorhead. The track Metal We Bleed is a obvious nod to Judas Priest and guitarist Mantas love for the band. While some might cringe it is definitely Priest Painkiller era. Fan or not yet another song that holds the Venom plumb line. In the same veign you get Black N Roll. A simotaneous nod to both Motorhead and the track Black Metal.
The only down side. The only part of this album I did not enjoy and thus the imperfect score is placed right dab smack in the center of the album. Blood Stained is some sort of douche anthem. I love the Punk, Priest and Motorhead nods. I do not need a nod to Hysteria era Def Leppard.
Ave’ is an album of passion and intensity. It is an album well rooted in the tradition of classic Venom. You have the three members going all out in their individual roles but also coming together in an even greater union. They don’t dwell on the past but never stray far enough to make you feel like your listening to strangers.
What Venom Inc. has figured out here is how to exist today without sounding like a cheesy version of yesterday. What they’ve done rather than trying to immerse them selves in some new sound or style they have added to their classic sound with other classic sounds. You get hardcore punk, you get Judas Priest and you get Motorhead all sprinkled with the classic Venom tone and aggression.
As a whole this album is exceptional. It delivers on all levels. The song writing, the performances and the production. It is not the “best” album you’ll ever hear but it is one of the best Venom albums you’ll ever hear. It’s tight and to the point while remaining merciless and aggressive. Venom Inc. have made an album that sounds modern and up to date while never losing the heart and sound of Venom. While I prayed for an album this good I never envisioned an album that looked and sounded like this. Huge cheers to the band and a special nod to Mr. Mantas who if I understand correctly produced the album. Great job!
In summary Venom Inc. have done what many thought was unlikely or impossible. They have done what even Venom has not been able to do. Deliver to the fans another classic Venom album. Not bad for a “cover band”.

Official promo video: 


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