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Roman Ambient Black Metal. The third opus of WARNUNGSTRAUM unfolds a heavily depressive atmosphere, followed by enthralling ambient vibes. Slow and devastating metal with ravishing pulse alternates to pure nostalgic instrumentals. A spiritual journey where the woods sing the myth of Narkissos and the waters unveil a secret of ages
Roman Melodic Black Metal, followed by enthralling ambient vibes.
Warnungstraum (RIP) was a bm / ambient project of a close friend of mine (Bartlett Green) in which I was involved as vocalist. This is the second last work, "Mirror Waters" released in 2014 via Nykta Rcs. On this EP I played drums too. Everything was tracked at my friend's basement. The project dealed with spiritual and philosophical themes, western and eastern Traditions. I hope you'll enjoy this track, it's called "Narkissos" and it's Bartlett's take on the greek myth of Narcissus.
Roman atmospheric Black Metal. The third opus of WARNUNGSTRAUM reveals a heavily depressive atmosphere, followed by enthralling ambient vibes. Slow and devastating metal with ravishing despair mingled with pure nostalgia, dark ambient instrumentals. A spiritual journey where the woods sing the myth of Narkissos and the waters unveil a secret of ages. Excellent 2014album and ancient mystery