Equimanthorn ‎"Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara" CD Unisound Records

Equimanthorn ‎"Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara" CD Unisound Records

Equimanthorn ‎"Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara" CD Unisound Records

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This is the debut album of Equimanthorn, which is an experimental side project of the members of Absu and The Soil Bleeds Black. Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara is not an easy album to listen to but after a few spins i have started to like it. It's not really music, just some weird and quiet keyboard noises with occasional drums and guitars. Being "ritual music", there are also different voices invoking ancient Sumerian gods (or something similar). The vocals are done pretty well, be it clean, female or raw black metal vocals. Even though some of the clean vocals sounded a bit goofy at first, i got used to them. Equimanthorn's new album, Second Sephira Cella is a lot better, but this is still worth getting if you have the chance.
Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara (i just love writing that name) is not for everyone, but if dark ritual music is your thing, give it a listen.

Vordhr Dzokhk - Implements, Winds
The Black Mass Prayer - Keyboards
Shaftiel Nuctumeron - Vocals, Spoken Word
Emperor Proscriptor Magikus - Vocals, Piano, Flute, Drums, Percussion, Lyrics
Lord Equitant Infernain - Guitars, Bass, Lyrics, Effects, Acoustic Guitars
Emperor Vorskaath Necroslaughter - Lyrics
Michael A. - Narration, Effects
Lady Zethar Adramaleck - Vocals

Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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