Realm "Suiciety" CD (Bonustrack)

Realm "Suiciety" CD (Bonustrack)

Realm "Suiciety" CD (Bonustrack)

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Track 12 King Crimson Cover

If you're a fan of progressive or technical thrash, you'll love this cd. I can't believe nobody has reviewed this yet, because this cd kicks some major ass. Suiciety is even better than their previous release "Endless War", and that cd was great as well.
Realm is hard to describe in terms of another band. Nobody else really sounds like them. Maybe some of the guitar rhythms sound a bit like Toxik. They have high pitched vocals that are sometimes kind of wiggly sounding as if the vocalist is being violently shaken by an angry gorilla. You'll understand what I mean if you have either of their cd's. The music itself is very technical, so for some people it may take a couple of listens to really appreciate it and digest all that the music has to offer. It is one of those cd's that you will find something new in every time you listen to it for the first few times. "Suiciety" also has some progressive elements to it, but they aren't as pronounced as in "Endless War". This is also the heavier and of the two cd's. Compared to "Endless War", this is also far more technical. The technicality should by no means scare you off if you're not used to technical thrash. It seems to add a lot of replay value to the cd.
The cd begins with a short intro that sounds pretty fucked up. Kinda reminds me of an alien spaceship coming down with a little bit of guitar in the background. Will the listener be anal probed? You won't get anal probed, but you'll get your ass handed to you by the riffing madness in the next song. "Cain Rose Up" really will annihilate you with fast paced riffs and the wiggly, yet powerful vocals. I'm not gonna go into the detail of every song on here, but in the next few songs, expect more fast riffing, tempo changes, more wiggly vocals and the occasional "Satan in a cave" vocals. The beginning of "Final Solution" has more of that alien spaceship noise. It seems we have some fuckin metal aliens here because as soon as the song's intro is over, we get some intense, fast riffing that makes me wanna punch a mule in the face. The next song is "The Brainchild" and holy fuckin shit this song kicks ass. This is hands down the best song on the cd. It begins slowly. The first few seconds make the song seem as if it'll be calm. Oh no. This is not the case. This is probably one of the fastest and most aggressive songs on the cd. It goes through multiple tempo changes varying between a midpaced calmer section and a fast, asskicking section. Sometimes the vocals even seem more gruff (at least for this vocalist). To top it off, the chorus is catchy as the black death in the middle ages. The next song has another alien-like intro which is different from the others and the song itself is slower to mid-paced. The next song "Dick" is much like the previous song and is probably my least favorite song, but it is still good."Knee Deep in Blood" is a kickass mid-paced thrasher with a sweet angry chorus where they just angrily repeat the name of the track. Finally the title track comes, which clocks in at a little under 10 minutes. For the first minute we have silence. Then come in the alien spaceship sound effects again which tell us one thing: this track is gonna kick ass. At about 3:38 into the song we get some riffs that sound very urgent and help build up the song a bit more into some fast riffing. Finally at about 7:05 we get silence again followed by some thunder in the background. Seems like they are trying to tell us that the storm of metal has ended. The asskicking metal is done and they leave us with calm wind and an occasional faint acoustic guitar line. So to sum it up, This cd kicks ass. There are no bad songs to be found here. Even the production is perfect. I can find very few flaws in this cd. The only one perhaps is the song "Dick", which just seems slightly less good than all the rest, even though it is still a decent song. Metal Mind recently re-issued this cd and "Eternal War", but they are both limited to 2000 pressings, so you better get yours soon. If more people find out how good this cd is, you'll be shit out of luck.


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