Ritual Lair "Mother Of Misery And All Repugnance (Diabolo Intervale)" CD

Ritual Lair "Mother Of Misery And All Repugnance (Diabolo Intervale)" CD

Ritual Lair "Mother Of Misery And All Repugnance (Diabolo Intervale)" CD

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Hailing from Poland, the duo of Ritual Lair include current and ex-members of Godz Ov War faves Kingdom, but here, they forego that band's bazooka-blown intensity for a hard-drinkin', mercilessly headbanging metalpunk hybrid. "Mother of Misery..." is the band's first release in nearly five years, and is also fittingly titled: old-school and immediately catchy their thrust may be, there's a decidedly vile and virulent aura here that puts this far beyond the party / "fun" thrash crowd.
Thick and viscous Ritual Lair's attack is, obedient to the ancient ways but never forgetting the power of the song - nor swift 'n' succinct economy, as this EP gets in and gets out in a mere 17 minutes, laying waste with maximum cranial (and spiritual) carnage. Hail the Mother of Misery and All Repugnance and enter the Ritual Lair!

Co-released with Under the Sign of Garazel Productions


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