Chains Ov Beleth "Christeos Chaos" CD

Chains Ov Beleth "Christeos Chaos" CD

Chains Ov Beleth "Christeos Chaos" CD

Solo quedan 100 unidades de este producto

First edition: 500 copies. 8-page booklet.

Chains Ov Beleth is a solo project from Spain that plays an occult form of black metal. This is a review of their 2015 album "Christeos Chaos" which was released as a joint effort between Satanath Records and Morbid Shrine Productions.
A very dark and melodic sound starts off the album, along with some drum beats and powerful bass lines kicking in a few seconds later, which leads up to some very tortured sounding grim black metal vocals. A great portion of the tracks are very long and epic in length, and when solos and leads are utilized they are very dark and melodic sounding. When the music speeds up it displays more of a raw style of black metal, bringing in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts, while clean playing can also be heard in certain sections of the recording. On some of the tracks we can find a small amount of melodic singing and demonic, spoken parts which also give the music more of a ritualistic feeling, with some of the slower riffs bringing in elements of doom metal.
Chains Ov Beleth plays a style of black metal that mixes both modern and old school styles, along with some ritualistic elements and goth style clean singing, to create a style of its own. The production sounds very professional, and the lyrics cover black magic and ritualistic themes.
In my opinion Chains Ov Beleth are a very great sounding occult black metal solo project and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Breath Of Disease" "Thrice Name, Thrice Cursed" and "Transcending".


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